DV Scotland Phoenix Coast To Coast Net - Saturday Nights


DV Scotland Phoenix Coast To Coast Saturday Night Net

Starts 9pm until 10pm UK Time


How to access the DV Scotland Phoenix Multimode Net:

TG23556 TS2 . User Activated on any DVS Phoenix repeater

AllStar HUB - Node 53937

XLX600D D-Star

YSF Reflector - 00-A-DVSPh

WIRES X Room Number 06076

EchoLink GM5DVS-L - NODE 184993

Extended Freedom Network - 23556

Ham Shack Hot Line - 94110

Hams Over IP - 25001

Peanut - DMR23556 Connect to us by Selecting Room " DMR23556 " from the "GB" Category

RF Internet Simplex Gateways:

MB7IDD DUNDEE - 145.2375 MHz CTCSS 103.5 Hz

MB7ISM ST MONANS FIFE - 144.9625 MHz CTCSS 103.5 Hz

MB6AF D-Star Gateway DCS600D

MB6ST D-Star Gateway DCS600D

Live log can be viewed here