XLX600 - DVSPH Multimode Reflector

The DVSPH multimode reflector was set up to allow easy communications across various digital and analogue modes.



Reflector modules currently available on XLX600

A Worldwide
B UK Wide
C Scotland Wide
D Multimode (See below)
H Highlands and Islands




How to access 
UK Wide MultiMode Network XLX600 D:  


Talk Group : 23556 TimeSlot: TS2 

Slot 2 (User Activated on any DVS Phoenix repeater)
Also available on gateways and personal HotSpots

via the DMR+_IPSC2-DVSPh A/F/K servers (as appropriate) and use TalkGroup: 23556 TimeSlot: TS2 

D-Star XLX600 - Module D Any D-Star repeater by connecting to XLX600-D
Yaesu Fusion 0-DVSPH Reflector  
Analogue AllStar 53937 - DV Scotland Phoenix HUB 1 

* Please remember to avoid network loops or any other problems
we ask that you Disconnect from any other networks / hubs before connecting 


GM5DVS-L      NODE 184993

Not got an account ? Register for EchoLink now Register here



Connect to us by Selecting Room " DMR23556 " from the "GB" Category


Extended Freedom Network SIP



Click here to Register for the service.


Ham Shack Hot Line



Check out the official Hamshack Hotline website 

to learn more about their network.& to register


Hams Over IP



Check out the official Hams over IP Website to learn more about their network.& to register




Linked Repeaters

Repeater Module
GB7GM BC - Scotland Wide
GB7XG BC - Scotland Wide
GB7KN BC - Scotland Wide
GB7XLX BD - Multimode
GB7DA CC - Scotland Wide
GB7KY BC - Scotland Wide
GB7LV CC - Scotland Wide
GB7MM BC - Scotland Wide
GB7GG BC - Scotland Wide
GB7GD CC - Scotland Wide
GB7DM BC - Scotland Wide
GB7EI BH - Highlands and Islands
GB3EI BH - Highlands and Islands
GB7EF BC - Scotland Wide
GB7SM BC - Scotland Wide